Welcome to the MOFA(Machine Optimization and Fundamental Algorithms) Lab! Our goal is to establish explainable and simple rules for tackling modern machine learning, mostly via the use of optimization thoery and alike.
PhD Students
Jiahe Chen
Jiahe a Ph.D. Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong focusing on zeroth-order optimization and machine learning.
- B.Sc. in EECS, Peking University
Tianqi Shen
Tianqi Shen is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Professor Ziye Ma. His research focuses on optimization algorithms for machine learning and their applications. His interests include matrix sensing, tensor algebra, and topological data analysis.
- M.Sc. in Intelligent Systems, Beihang University
- B.Sc. in Control and Mathematics, Beihang University
Research Assistants
Jinji Yang
He is currently a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include matrix optimization and matrix sensing.
- M.Sc. in Operations Research and Control, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
- B.Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Kunhan Gao
GAO Kunhan is an undergraduate student at City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests focus around the optimization of machine learning algorithms and combinatorial optimization.
- B.Sc. in Data Science (Ongoing), City University of Hong Kong
Join Us
For those who are interested in joining our lab, we have a separate page for that.