
We are actively seeking dedicated and enthusiastic individuals to join us. If you have an interest in pioneering new ideas and establishing robust theoretical underpinnings, we believe our lab could be the right place for you.

Available Positions

Postdoctoral Researchers

We invite applications for postdoctoral positions in machine learning theory, specifically from individuals with expertise in mathematical optimization. Candidates with a more applied background in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, or large language models, who are open to the idea of doing a bit more thoery work, are also encouraged to apply. We offer competitive salaries by Hong Kong standards, with flexible employment durations tailored to individual needs.

Graduate Students

We are offering several fully-funded PhD positions for a fixed duration of 4 years. The stipend is approximately HKD 18,000 per month, subject to increase upon candidacy advancement (the exact figure may vary). Some potential research topics include (you’re also welcome to define your own project if it is reasonable):

  • Role of parametrization in non-convex problems (exploring the effects of model size and potentially coming up with clever ways to reduce large models).
  • New optimization algorithms tailored to modern machine learning, with cheap oracle estimates and enhanced saddle-escaping abilities.
  • Solving non-convex problems to optimality (for example via the use of convex relaxations).
  • Application of theory in ML pipelines to achieve more effient and robust training and fine-tuning.

Regardless, a certain degree of mathematical maturity is preferred, and exceptional applicants will have the opportunity to compete for the prestigious HKPFS scheme.

Research Assistants (RA)

The RA position offers considerable flexibility, available as either remote or in-person and as paid or unpaid, depending on the candidate’s circumstances and objectives. If our research interests align, I am open to discussing a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Some (Potential) Pros

  • Location: Hong Kong’s strategic location offers unparalleled access to major cities worldwide, facilitating travel to conferences crucial for computer science researchers and enhancing personal travel experiences. The presence of leading hedge funds and tech giants in the vicinity also positions Hong Kong as an ideal hub for exploring industry opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Culture: In our lab, we prioritize mutual respect and collaborative efforts. My objective is to foster your growth towards becoming independent scholars, providing the necessary support and guidance along the way. It’s important to me to respect your personal commitments and ensure a balanced approach to research activities. We’ll explore opportunities for global collaborations, expanding academic horizons, while maintaining a professional environment that respects your individuality and privacy.

How to Apply

Prospective candidates are encouraged to reach out via my email: ziyema at cityu dot edu dot hk. Please include the following details in your application:

  • A brief statement of your motivation for applying and/or research interests. We are keen to learn about your personal goals and aspirations.
  • A CV detailing your educational background, list of publications (including works in progress, with clear explanations), and any relevant awards or experiences.

Please use the subject line “Application for [Position Name] + [Ideal Start Date]” when sending your application. While I strive to respond to all inquiries, please accept my apologies in advance if you do not receive a reply due to time constraints. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.